debug/deprecated functions.R

# Deprecated functions 

# Okay... I'm really proud of that but now realizing I don't need it...
repl <- function(x, start_col, end_col, study_start, study_end){
  # x is a data.frame with start_col and end_col; study_start and _end are hard edges,
  # we want to replace earlier times and later times with these.
  x %>%
    filter(!! <= study_end,
           !! >= study_start ) %>%
    mutate(!!start_col := pmax(!!, study_start),
           !!end_col := pmin(!!, study_end) )

# Function for rounding down to when intervals start
# Probably not that useful. It would be nicer to use lubridate::floor_date("15 seconds")
rnd_dn <- function(x, samp_length){
  # x is a vector, samp_length is samp_length
  timz <- lubridate::tz(x)
  out <- as.POSIXct(floor(as.numeric(df$datetime)/samp_length)*samp_length, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = timz)
rnd_dn(df$datetime, samp_length = 100)

subs <- function(x, study_dates){
  # int is name of interval column
  dates <- interval(study_dates[1], study_dates[2])
  out <- x %>%
    filter(int %within% dates)
purrr::map(dat_init[2:3], subs(study_dates = study_dates))

# Join two tables by intervals. B = df with big interval. L = df with little interval. 
# This keeps all rows of the little interval. 
# B-int and L_int and joincol are colnames
ntrvl_join <- function(B, L, B_int, L_int, joincol){
  L %>%
    left_join(., B, by = joincol) %>%
    filter(!! %within% !! %>%
    select(!!, occ) %>%  # What if I only keep cam? Nope,need occ.
    mutate(effort = 1) %>%
    left_join(L, ., by = c("cam", "occ")) %>%
    mutate(effort = replace(effort,, 0))
# What if intervals are same name? What if different name?
ntrvl_join(occ_cam, deploy, "occ_int", "depl_int", "cam")

effort <- occ_cam %>%
  left_join(., dat_subset$deploy, by = "cam") %>%
  filter(occ_int %within% int) %>%
  select(occ, cam) %>%
  mutate(effort = 1) %>%
  left_join(occ_cam, ., by = c("occ", "cam")) %>%
  mutate(effort = replace(effort,, 0))
# Make this more general for any two dataframes with intervals...

# 3.2) Define area at each occasion
# deploy has the big interval. occ_cam has the small intervals.
# occ_cam$occ_int %within% deploy$int
# For each interval in deploy, join the two tables.
occ_area <- occ_cam %>%
  left_join(., dat_subset$deploy, by = "cam") %>%
  filter(occ_int %within% int) %>%
  select(occ, cam, area) %>%
  left_join(occ_cam, ., by = c("occ", "cam")) %>%
  mutate(area = replace(area,, 0) )

# 3.1) Define effort (from deploy) and area (from deploy) at each occasion
# combine effort and camera area by occasion
effort <- occ_cam %>%
  left_join(., dat_subset$deploy, by = "cam") %>%
  filter(occ_int %within% int) %>%
  select(occ, cam, working)
occ_area <- occ_cam %>%
  left_join(., dat_subset$deploy, by = "cam") %>%
  filter(occ_int %within% int) %>%
  select(occ, cam, area)
combo <- occ_cam %>%
  left_join(., effort) %>%
  left_join(., occ_area) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(working, area), ~tidyr::replace_na(., 0)) %>%
  mutate(area = working * area)

deploy <- data.frame(
  cam = c(1, 2, 2),
  start = as.POSIXct(c("2015-12-01 00:00:00", "2016-01-01 00:00:00", "2016-01-02 00:00:00"), tz = "GMT"),
  end = as.POSIXct(c("2016-01-05 00:00:00", "2016-01-01 12:00:00", "2016-01-05 00:00:00"), tz = "GMT"),
  working = 1

dd <- list(df = df,
           deploy = deploy,
           occ = occ) %>%
  purrr::map_if(., ~chck_names(., c("start", "end")), add_int)
annam21/spaceNtime documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 2:48 a.m.